Message from the Executive Director

Adam Clayton Powell III
Executive Director,
Election Security and Information Project
Our candidate is Democracy.
Democracy is not just another ideology, another point of view, or another political party. It is the core of the American experiment. It’s why millions came to these shores, and why they are still coming. And it is why they are not trying to go to Russia.
Democracy is an idea on which we can all agree – liberal and conservative, rich and poor, north and south, east and west, Republican and Democrat, black and white. “We hold these truths to be self-evident.” Everyone can agree that democracy is the heart of our nation.
Well, not quite everyone: Democracy is under attack by adversaries foreign and domestic. And helping to defend democracy against those attacks, and those attackers, is the purpose of this initiative.
Democracy is not just another ideology.
Our candidate is Democracy.

Principal Investigator

Digital Director

Executive Director

Program Manager